Mietimme siis yhdessä Fridan kanssa mikä voisi olla sopiva työ,
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Ensin piirretään istukalle kaava/ We start with drawing a template for the setting. |
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Sitten vähän salailu, muotoilua ja juottamista/ The it's time to saw, bend and solder |
Fridan kanssa päädyimme lopulta kartioistukaan joka tulisi 5 mm kivelle, istukan ainevahvuudeksi 0,7 mm ja istukan molemmille puolille tulisi kaksi simpukka ja niiden jatkoksi sileä puolipyöreä runko. Lopulta päädyin tekemään neljä kappaletta malleja eri kokoisilla simpukoilla ja yksi näistä on tehty 3 mm kiville ja muita hieman pienemmillä ainevahvuuksilla, koska myöhemmin on tarkoitus saada sama sormus mallistoon myös kultaisena. Tämä on siis
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Demonstration of skills YP4 or exam, be afraid!
My time here in Iceland is almost over and it's going to be a tough time to back my bags and head to the airport. Before we get to the sad part, let's see what I did last week. Since the real reason I'm here in Iceland is not frolicking around with Vikings
but to have a real inside look what it is to be a goldsmith and work in a workshop as a part of a team. This being said there's also an exam to be done or like we call it in school yrkesprov YP or demonstration of skills.
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Näistä pitäisi tulla jotain kivaa/ Combining these should give us pretty things |
This 10 weeks period is really been a good time for me, I've been able to see two different workshops and also the fun than is called moving your shop to a new location. It takes a lot more than just stuffing your tools to boxes and moving them from point A to point B, it's about renovating, marketing, timing and getting the new place
functional both for the customers and for yourself as a goldsmith.
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Muotoilua ja muotoutumista/ Getting into shape |
So we put on our thinking hats and started to think about what I should do as a demonstration? It should be something for both of us, complicated enough for me and something Frida can use in the future. Since she has a new collection under work and the postman had brought a package filled with casted seashells in a new size and model, maybe there's something I can do with them? Finally we got a plan, I was to do a prototype for a ring to
be sent to casting using the new shels and a new type of stonesetting, a tapered bezel or cone setting. When making an original to be casted one should remember that the final product is going to be 10% smaller than the original so the choice of materials should be made with care. I ended up making four different kinds of variations of the ring, three for 5 mm stones and one for 3 mm stone and this is also a bit smaller than the others since the plan is to get it casted in gold.
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Sitten vaikein osio eli kuinka saada sormus kasaan ja vieläpä pysymään suorassa/ The hardest part, soldering and getting it to stay straight |
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Valmis!/ All done! |
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