Nyt seuraa siis toinen osa luvatusta turistimeininki-kirjoittelusta eli missä on tullut luuhattua? Jos tahtoo kutsua itseään kunnolliseksi turistiksi, on käytävä ainakin pulikoimassa Blue Lagoonissa ja kiertelemässä Golden Circlessä. Voin siis hyvällä omatunnolla sanoa käyneeni nyt molemmissa ja kieltämättä ymmärrän kyllä miksi niissä kannattaa käydä. Pääsee näkemään täysin erilaisia maisemia ja näkemään ihan livenä, mitä se tuliperäisyys oikeasti tarkoittaa käytännössä.
Ensiksi matkamme käy Blue Lagoonin kylpylään, jonne pääsin käymään yhdessä Ingan ja hänen tyttärensä kanssa, tyttöporukan bileet jee. Jos Blue Lagooniin tahtoo mennä käymään ja paikallista seuruetta ei satu olemaan niin eipä hätää, paikalliset matkanjärjestäjät tarjoavat bussikuljetuksia paikan päälle vaikka suoraan lentokentältä. Ainakin Reykjavik Excursionsin palvelupaketeista löytää erilaisia vaihtoehtoja, joista voi valita vaikka koko päivän kestävän kiertoajelun ensin muissa kohteissa ja sitten viimeiseksi hemmotteluksi pääsee pulikoimaan laguunille, tai sitten vaan ihan pelkkä uimareissukin onnistuu. Itse kylpylästä voi ostaa erilaisia lippupaketteja ihan perus uiskentelusta aina luxushoitoja sisältäviin paketteihin, hintaa peruslipulla on 35€ ja kaikkein kalleimmalla paketilla 165€. 2-14 vuotiaat lapset pääsee ilmaiseksi sisään ja 8-vuotiaat ja sitä nuorempien on pidettävä kellukkeita, niitä saa nettisivujen mukaan lainaksi lipunmyynnistä. Vesi ylettyy muutamia matalampia paikkoja lukuunottamatta minua (164 cm) rinnan korkeudelle joten se on syytä ottaa huomioon lasten kanssa, tietyissä paikoissa on myös istuinkorokkeita veden alla, joille pääsee lepäämään. Pohja on suurimmaksi osaksi mustan hieno hiekan peittämää, paikoitellen on joitain kiviä, mutta ei mitään varpaan murhaajia ainakaan heti löytnyt. Sitten joissain kohdissa on samaa mutaa, jota tahkotaan naamaan, mutta se on kivan lämmintä joten kesäinen fiilis on taattu kun varpaansa sinne tökkää, ihanaa. Seinämät ja muut veden kanssa kosketuksissa olevat pinnat ovat saaneet ajan kuluessa valkoisen kalkki? suola? jotain pinnan, joka tuntuu sileältä ja oikeasti luulin aluksi, että joku on nähnyt rakennusaikana vaivaa ja pinnoittanut altaan seinät kivasti, mutta kuinka väärässä olinkaan.
Sitten hiukan faktaa vedestä: se on suolaista, siis ihan suoraan merestä suolaista. Blue Lagoonin hienous ja syy miksi se on maailman 25 ihmeen joukossa, on sen vesi ja siinä olevat ainesosat. Vesi kulkeutuu maan alaisia onkaloita pitkin mereltä laguunille ja lämpenee matkan aikana maan sisällä ja pinnalle päästyään se onkin kivan lämpöistä 37-39 asteista. Matkan aikana veteen liukenee erilaisia mineraaleja ja vedessä on myös levää jne. jänniä aineita joten uimassa käyminen tekee myös hyvää iholle ilmeisesti erityisesti jos kärsii psoriasiksesta, niin kannattaa tulla kokeilemaan kylpemistä. Hiukset kannattaa kuitenkin suojata ennen uimaan menoa suihkutiloissa olevalla hoitoaineella, suolainen vesi ei tee niin hyvää hiuksille. Tietenkin on hyvä muistaa, että koko alue on maauimalan tyylinen laitos, eli pää voi joskus palella jos on tuulinen keli.
Blue Lagoon on ihan nimensä veroinen, vesi on maitomaisen
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Kuvaa Laguunin sisäänkäynniltä/
At the entrance of the Lagoon

Kävimme katsomassa Reykjanesissa sijaitsevaa mannerlaattojen saumakohtaa, eli paikaa jossa Euraasian ja Amerikan mannerlaatat loittonevat toisistaan hiljalleen. Rotkon ylitse pääsee kulkemaan siltaa pitkin puolelta toiselle ja matkaa kertyy huikaisevat 18 metriä, leveys kasvaa noin 2 cm vuodessa.

Autoon siis ja ensimmäiseksi kohteeksi Geysir eli tuliperäinen alue, jossa sijaitsee juurikin se kuuma lähde, jonka nimi on synonyymi jokaiselle purkautuvalle lähteelle eli Geysir.

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Mites ois jalkakylpy? Ai miks ei?/
How about a footbath? No? Why not?
Geysirltä matkamme jatkui kohti Gulfossin vesiputousta ja todella upea se olikin. Maa ikäänkuin repeää kahtia ja joki katoaa jymisevänä virtana maan uumeniin. Vaikka sää ei ihan suosinutkaan, niin ei se oikesastaan haitannut, oli melkein parempi nähdä vesiputous hieman sulaneena ja kuulla ja nähdä veden voima. Ilmeisesti kesällä pääsee kävelemään alhaalla sijaitsevaa polkua pitkin, mutta nyt kaikki kävelyreitit olivat inhottavan liukkaat ja jäiset, joten se saa jäädä nyt toiseen kertaan, jos joskus tulette talvella, niin kannattaa varata mukaan liukuesteet, ei koskaan tiedä milloin vesisadekeli yllättää ja keli muuttuu jäiseksi.
Loppupäivä kuluikin sitten ajelemalla pikaisesti Thingvellirin kansallispuiston läpi, ja sitten olikin aika palata kotiin. Kaikki jännät nähtävyyden ovat sopivasti ajomatkan päässä Reykjavikista, ja jos on oikein innokas niin voi vuokrata auton, mutta suosittelen melkein enemmän bussikuljetuksia. Tiet ovat välillä huonossa kunnossa ja keli voi olla yllättävänkin huono ja kovat tuulet tekevät välillä ajamisesta vaikeaa, joten jos tahtoo päästä helpolla, niin linja-autossa on tunnelmaa ja myös opas kertomassa kaikkea jännää faktaa. Vuokra-autot ovat täällä ilmeisesti lähes kaikki automaatteja, en tiedä löytyykö manuaalivaihteisia lainkaan, mutta hyvä tietää etukäteen jos ei ole ennen automaattivaihteista autoa ajanut.
Road trippin'
Well it finally happened, I got the nasty seasonal flu, that has been siculating the world. Don't know if this is local variety or something my landlady brought back as a souvenir from her trip to Finland, but it's nasty. The only good thing with this is that now I have all the time I want to spend writing my blogs so Yippee?! As promised this blog entry is about my road trips to see the must see locations for every tourist visiting Iceland: the Blue Lagoon and the Golden Circle.
The Blue Lagoon is located about 40 minutes drive away from Hafnafjördur and you can get there with your own car or get a bus, even straight from the airport if relaxation is what you want after your flight. There are many buscompanies that arrange daytrips to the lagoon and you can choose from variety of trips containing activity for the whole day and then the grand finale is the lagoon. The Reykavik Excursions I gues are the most frequent used bus company to get to the Lagoon and back, they provide a package deal that ingludes the bussfare and admission in to the Lagoon. At the Lagoon you can choose from the basic swim and relax package to a very luxurius pampering experience with dinner and coctails, the price varies from 35 euros to 165, you pick and they deliver. Kids 8 or younger are to wear floaters you can borrow from the ticket sale and they are usefull, the water is (164 cm tall and husky) about to my armpits and there are shallower areas, but it is tiring for kids if they can't reach the bottom. There are benches under water to lounge and beaches to relax but otherwise it's just walking arround and enjoying the warm soak you get. Keep in mind that the pools are outside so if it's wondy your ears can get a bit chilly. The bottom is covered with stuff... apparently there is some vulcanic sand and then there's some of the same mud you can put on your face on the bottom, it feels you guessed it, just like walking in a muddy lake bottom but only warmer mmm mm my favorite feel. There can be some rocks at the bottom but nothing you can't handle and all the pool walls have calsified? crystallized? white stuff that has been formed there naturally, my guess that it's salt, so they are naturally coated nice and smooth just like Disco Stu.
Then to the water: it's nice and cosy, 37-40 celsius and salty, really really salty and milky blue. The water comes from the ocean throught under ground crevises and it gets heated and treated on its way to the surface. The water contains minerals, algaes and all other nice things so it's super nice to the skin, you get younger and prettier just by floating arround. The only thing the water isn't good for is your hair, they provide conditioner for you to put on before you get to th pool in the shower room and you should deffinetly use it to prevent getting all frizzy afterwards. They also have puckets filled with the natural exfoliating/pampering mudmask for everyone to use freely at the pool. Just skoop some goop from the bucket to your face and hey presto 10 minutes later you get the peachy skin. The water is again salty, so don't get it into your eyes or mouth while washing. There are steamrooms and even a real Finnish style sauna for you to relax but unfortunatelly somebody had trashed the bucket so there wasn't any water for throw on to the rocks, what a bummer.
What to do fi you get thirsty and hot? Well you go to the pool bar and grab a Krap, that's Icelandic Slushie for you (okay I snickered too). You can "pay" your purchases with the wrist band you use as a key to lock the locker room closet, just order what you want, place the band on to the reader and pay the tab you have on your way out. They have water, Krap and sodas for the kids and the adults can get beer or some bubbly to enjoy while still sitting in the pool.
It was a great day, I went to the Lagoon with Inga and her daughter and we spent the girls day out just relaxing and enjoying our time. The mud mask really made my skin soft and glow, I looked like a little pigglet, so hot. Allthough it was nice and so relaxing I must admit that I like going to the pools at Laugardalslaug better, dont ask why, guess it's just less growded or something. Afterward we went to see the surrounding area of Reykjanes and oh boy it was something else. It's so weird to see yourself the moon like desolace you have heard about, it's like walking into Mordor, just waiting to see Frodo, Sam and Gollum hitchiking a ride to the Black Gates. We went to see the rift between the continental plates, you can also go and have a diving experience in Thingvellir was, it and swim through the canyon that separaters European and American continents. The one in Reykjanes is on dry land and they have build a bridge over the small "canyon", it's 18 meters wide and grows 2 cm a year.
I went to see the Golden Circle last weekend with my boss Frida, who wanted to get some fresh air before the big move happens. The Golden Circle consists of three separate sites: the Gullfos waterfalls, Thingvellir Nationall Park and the geothermally active plains of Haukadalur where you can find Geysir ad Stokkur. You can also go and have a guided buss tour so no need to rent your own car, because the roads can be in bad shape during the winter months and give some trouble to the inexperienced drivers.
We experienced some rain and wind, the residues of the winter storm they named Laila in Finland, she was here first :) but it wasn't too bad. First we went to see the geothermal area and Geysir, who sat in his dormant state i bit further away. It doesn't erupt regularely anymore, only after earhquakes, no one knows for sure why, but there is always speculation going on werther it's
because of the soap they used to "help" it to erupt or just earthquakes re-aranging the tunnel systesm. But luckilly for tourist there is a live hot spring called Stokkur, who sputes hot water into the air in 4-8 minute interwalls. You can also see some innocent looking pools and small streams of water just beconing you to get your little toes in, but the signs and seeing the water boiling will tell you their seiren calls are all lies, it's about 80-100 celsius in there, yieks. (A small rant before we continue: Stop throwing coins into the hot pools! They have sings that say it too, so why do people keep on doing it anyway? Who's supposed to clean them? Your mom?) You can sense the vulcanic presence by smelling the delighfull aroma of rotten eggs or sulfur in the breeze, just like in the city when you get a shower. There's nothing wrong in the water, just a bit smelly thats all, but it gives us jewelry makers a lot of trouble. The silver doesn't like sulfur so if you want to wash it you need to use cold water and cold citric acid or they will turn black.
Next stop on the girls road trip was the Gullfos waterfall and Holy Cow it was amazing! The rain had melted some of the ice away and the water was like steel as it roared between black
rocks rushing into the deep canyons scultured by time and sheer force. Talk about Mother Nature at her best. I need to come and see it again during summer or maybe autumn because then you can go and walk on the path winding just on the edge to ravine, now it was closed for obviouse reasons, it was icy everywhere you went because of the rain.
We spent the rest of the day just by driving around the National Park, but because we got a bit wet at Gullfos we just stayed in the car and admired the cenery. It it beautiful, so different and yet somehow so familliar, you can see the similarites with the nature of Lapland and Iceland. Hard to describe them I guess, you need to come and see the wonders yourself.
I went to see the Golden Circle last weekend with my boss Frida, who wanted to get some fresh air before the big move happens. The Golden Circle consists of three separate sites: the Gullfos waterfalls, Thingvellir Nationall Park and the geothermally active plains of Haukadalur where you can find Geysir ad Stokkur. You can also go and have a guided buss tour so no need to rent your own car, because the roads can be in bad shape during the winter months and give some trouble to the inexperienced drivers.
We experienced some rain and wind, the residues of the winter storm they named Laila in Finland, she was here first :) but it wasn't too bad. First we went to see the geothermal area and Geysir, who sat in his dormant state i bit further away. It doesn't erupt regularely anymore, only after earhquakes, no one knows for sure why, but there is always speculation going on werther it's
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Good ol' Geysir, youre still
awesome evethough you don't
erupt anymore
Next stop on the girls road trip was the Gullfos waterfall and Holy Cow it was amazing! The rain had melted some of the ice away and the water was like steel as it roared between black
rocks rushing into the deep canyons scultured by time and sheer force. Talk about Mother Nature at her best. I need to come and see it again during summer or maybe autumn because then you can go and walk on the path winding just on the edge to ravine, now it was closed for obviouse reasons, it was icy everywhere you went because of the rain.
We spent the rest of the day just by driving around the National Park, but because we got a bit wet at Gullfos we just stayed in the car and admired the cenery. It it beautiful, so different and yet somehow so familliar, you can see the similarites with the nature of Lapland and Iceland. Hard to describe them I guess, you need to come and see the wonders yourself.
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